This page details my work on a Tarot-inspired, AI-driven generation engine that imbues your personal stories into physical, ready-to-use playing cards.

Cardistry is a novel AI-powered card generator I developed professionally for Games at Northeastern. It takes a unique approach to the traditional use of Tarot cards by prompting users to retell past stories rather than predict the future. The software generates premium plastic cards complete with a title, a suit, and artwork that users can hold as a keepsake or use to enhance any card game that benefits from evocative artwork.

Engine: Unity
Languages: C#, SQL, PHP
My Responsibilities: All gameplay programming, data management, UI implementation, database design, database implementation. Some process design, UX design and project management.
Packages/Software: OpenAI API, phpMyAdmin

How It Works:

Recall a power story of your past, one that you find compelling or meaningful. Type your story into the engine. The more rich and detailed your recollection, the better!

We utilize cutting-edge AI technology, wordsmithing, and heaps of design experience to deliver you a personalized Tarot-style card. Behold the stunning visual aesthetic your memory has produced!

Learn more about your card by its suits and poem description. Perhaps your memory evokes an exciting mix of power and freedom, or a perplexing one of joy and sadness. Print your creation to a high-quality, credit card-sized keepsake to enshrine that memory, commemorating it in a way that can only be done in 2023!

Key Front End and Gameplay Features

A soft and playful user interface and experience, designed to encourage the player to think even as far back as their childhood to remember their most thought-provoking experiences.

A harmonious blend of AI driven technologies whose visual and descriptive contributions add up to more than the sum of their parts.

A basic upvote/downvote system, so the community can vote on their favorite designs and engage with the creative works of other users.

Key Back End and Data Management Features

Use OpenAI API to extract tangible concepts from the player’s story, increasing the likelihood of a compelling card upon image reception from the DALL-E engine.

A relational database housed on a remote server in which card details are distributed and can be easily recalled for card display.

Careful implementation of event-based ScriptableObject architecture within Unity, with a designer-centric workflow that facilitates modularity and scability.